How often



always never normally
rarely seldom sometimes
occasionally often usually


We often spend Christmas with friends.
I never enjoyed myself so much.

but they usually come after the verb be:

He was always tired in the evening.
We are never late for work.

He was always tired in the evening.


He is very rarely late for work.
We almost always spend Christmas with friends.


We go to the cinema a lot.

他の時間副詞でa lotを使うこともできます:

We go to the cinema a lot at the weekend.

否定語で、あまりないという意味にmuch/a lotを使う:

We don’t go out much/a lot.

We can do out many. (= We don’t go out often.)

How often 1


頻度の副詞として every を使ったフレーズをよく使用します。 分、時間、日、週、月、年などの単語で every を使います。

There is a big celebration every year.
We have a meeting twice every week.
I usually go home once every two months.
There is a leap year every four years.
We have a meeting twice every week.
There is a long year.


We have a meeting every Monday.
We go on holiday every August.

e use the phrase every other:

We will email you every other day.Web we will email you every other day.We use the phrase every other. (= on alternate days)
We go to see my mother every other week.私たちは隔週で母に会いに行きます。 (= in alternate weeks)


I go swimming twice a week.私は週に二回泳ぎに行きます。
I see my old school friends four or five times a year.

How often 2


How often や ever は頻度を問うために用います。 how oftenは節の最初に来ます:

How often do you go to the cinema?
How often have you been here?


Do you ever go to the cinema at the weekend?
Have you ever been there?

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