Media Bias Fact Check

The Free Thought Project meldt zowel geloofwaardig nieuws als samenzweringen zoals Chemtrails, Geoengineering door de regering, en anti-vaccinatie propaganda. Het Vrije Gedachte Project gebruikt ook sensationele koppen die links bevoordelen, zoals deze: WATCH: Trump smelt als man houdt foto van hem en miljonair pedofiel Epstein omhoog tijdens bijeenkomst.

Failed Fact Checks

  • Flint Residents Told that their Children could be Taked Away If They Don’t Pay for City’s Poison Water? – False
  • Judges Rules the Government Can Ban Vegetable Gardens – Mostly False
  • Did Florida police seize a man’s gun without due process? Nee – False
  • Negeerde een grote inval in kinderhandel in Arizona? – False
  • Mississippi Bill Grants Churches ‘Lethal Force’ Powers – Mostly False
  • “State Forces Citizens to Pay for ‘Stargazing Permit’ to View Night Sky in Public Parks” – Mostly False

Overall, we rate the Free Thought Project a Strong Conspiracy website and Low for factual reporting due to a very poor fact check record. (5/13/2016) Bijgewerkt (D. Van Zandt 08/29/2020)

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