chicken in Food, dish topic

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishchickenchick‧en1 /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ ●● S2 noun 1 鶏の画像 BIRDHBATA 肉と卵を目的として飼う普通の農鳥 → hen, コック、オンドリ、ヒヨコ2 MEATDFF この鳥の肉を食べ物として食べる ローストチキン フライドチキンスープ3 somebody WHO IS NOT BRAVE informalBRAVE 全く勇敢ではない人 SYN coward Don’t be such a chicken!4 ゲームドゴ(GAMEDGO) 子どもたちが危険なことをするゲーム。例えば、列車が来るときに線路の上に立ち、その状態を長く続けられるかどうかを競う 5 →鶏と卵はどちらが先か 6 →鶏と卵はどちらが先か? → a chicken and egg situation/problem etc7 → somebody’s chickens have come home to roost → don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched, → spring chickenCOLLOCATIONS – 意味2:この鳥の肉を食べ物として食べる形容詞fresh (=recently killed and not frozen) Is the chicken fresh?frozen We never buy cheap frozen (=from a chicken that moved around outside and eating naturally) we serve all the chicken is free-range.For the collision for the collision for food.roast chicken (=cooked in an oven) For dinner we’re having roast chicken.fried chicken (=cooked in oil) They filled their plates with fried chicken.Skinless chicken (=with the skin removed) For this recipe, you will need a two pounds of skinless chicken. chicken + NOUNchicken breast/thigh/wing Chop the chicken breast into pieces.a chicken piece (=a chicken breast, leg, thigh or wing) You will need two chicken pieces per person.The chicken pieceは一人当たり2枚必要です。鶏のドラムスティック(=鶏の足の下の部分)サンドイッチや鶏のドラムスティックなどのパーティー料理a chicken sandwich/salad/pie etcI’ll make a chicken pie with the leftovers.verbsstuff a chicken (=fill a chicken with a mixture of onion, lemon, herbs etc) carve a chicken (=cut up a whole chicken that has cooked) Examples from the Corpuschicken-スキーのことになると私はこんなにチキンになってしまうんだ。- Oh, and Marge will bake you a chicken pie.- But captain Alan Lee is not counting any chickens.- But fox in chicken runs get shot, and now the Israelites get the plague.- We raise our own chickens.- A hen or stewing chicken or fowl is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old.- Boy, that chicken smells good.- マリネに鶏を入れて最低1時間放置 – Make the filling.- 鶏をマリネに入れて最低1時間放置、そして、フィリングを作る.Making the filling: 鶏肉に塩とコショウでよく味付けをする

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