Changing tack, French strikers turned off power to press got|PARIS (AP) – フランス政府に対する彼らの戦いで別の前線を開く、抗議の労働者は火曜日、パリの数千人に電源を切り、家を暗闇に落とし、主要空港の1つへの列車を停止させた。 -AP News
Three Iraq protesters killed as anger boils over got ‘procrastination’ | Baghdad (AFP) – Iraqi protesters three killed in the capital as thousands of anti-government demonstrators sought to shut streets across the country Monday, they deadline for authorities to implement long-awaited reforms. -Yahoo! ニュース
Other Useful U.S. 政府略語集
ACF|Administration for Children and Families
BIA|Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLS|Bureau of Labor Statistics
DHS|Department of Homeland Security
DOH|Department of Health
DOJ |司法省
DOL |労働省
FBI |連邦捜査局
FDA |食品医薬品局
GPO |政府出版局(政府印刷局も)
GSA |一般労働者派遣業
GSA |労働省
DOJ |司法省(司法省)
DOL |労働局(労働局も)HHS | Health and Human Services
IRS | Internal Revenue Service
KO | Contracting Officer
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration
RFP | Request(要請書)
MOU | 覚書
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationMOU | 覚書(MOU)
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