Ressourcer om vold i hjemmet

Hvis du er offer for misbrug, er du IKKE alene, du har ikke skylden, og du kan ikke kontrollere din misbrugers handlinger. Der er mere hjælp til rådighed for dig (og dine børn) end nogensinde før. Du, og kun du, kan træffe beslutningen om at ændre eller permanent afslutte det misbrugsforhold, som du udholder dagligt. Ingen fortjener at blive misbrugt. Du er et menneske, som fortjener respekt og venlighed.

Hvis du er i umiddelbar fare, skal du ringe 112.

Disabled Persons Protection Commission
Telefon: 1-800-426-9009

Domestic Violence SafeLink
1-877-521-2601 (TTY)

Elder Abuse Hotline
Telefon: 1-800-426-9009

Telefon: 1-877-785-2020
1-877-521-2601 (TTY): 1-800-882-2003

Elder Information Hotline
Telefon: 1-800-882-2003

Elder Information Hotline
Tlf: 1-800-922-2275

Emerge – Counseling Men Who Batter
Telefon: 617-547-9879

Life-Span (for ofre for retshåndhævende personale)
Telefon: 617-547-9879

Life-Span (for ofre for retshåndhævende personale) 312-408-1210

Mass Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Telefon: 312-408-1210

Mass Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Telefon: 1-800-628-5808

Mass Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Telefon: 1.800-628-5808

Mass Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Telefon: 1-800-442-3035

Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence
Telefon: 1-800-442-3035

Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence
Tlf: 617-248-0922

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Telefon: 617-248-0922

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Tlf: 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) 24 timers callcenter
Telefon: 703-224-2150

National Center for Victim’s of Crime
Telefon: 703-224-2150

National Center for Victim’s of Crime
Tlf: 1-855-4-VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Telefon: 1-855-4-VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Tlf: 303-839-1852

National Domestic Violence Hotline Number
Telefon: 303-839-1852

National Domestic Violence Hotline Number
Tlf: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Phone: 1-800-799-3224 (TTY)

National Sexual Assault Hotline
Telefon: 1-800-799-3224 (TTY)

National Sexual Assault Hotline
Telefon: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Network for Battered Lesbians
Telefon: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Network for Battered Lesbians
Telefon: 617-423-7233

Office of the Violence Against Women
Telefon: 202-307-6026

Teen Hotline
Telefon: 202-307-6026

Teen Hotline
Telefon: 1-800-999-9999

Teenage Pregnancy
Telefon: 1-800-999-9999

Teenage Pregnancy 617-436-3944

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